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October 2024


A wonderful serenity has taken over my whole soul, like the sweet spring mornings that I enjoy with all my heart. I am alone and enjoy my life in this area.

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Travelling time and space

Brand Creator Fatima Diagana joins us on an eponé Spa Journey.

The first thing you notice is that typical smell: intense and spicy, more than just the sea. In the fishing villages on the south-west coast of Japan, it smells “seaweedy”, because Wakame characterizes daily life. The large brown algae with jagged edges, which thrives best in current-rich water at depths of six to twelve meters, is harvested and dried, eaten and processed into a variety of products.

Wakame is both ubiquitous and special. It is one of the most nutrient-rich algae in the world, a superfood whose mix of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, proteins and antioxidants is considered unrivaled. Because the pH value is similar to that of our skin and all the ingredients are easily absorbed, Wakame is a delicacy for beauty care. There are hair packs and extracts, a whole natural pharmacy.

When selecting ingredients for eponé, I am interested in more than just what a raw material can do.

I want to get to know its history and what it means to the people who are familiar with it. How it has been used for generations, what traditions have been upheld, what you can do with it, how best to handle it, what beauty rituals and healing treatments exist.

This ambition has taken me to more than a hundred countries to date – it’s my personal spa journey! As an island nation, Japanese culture is closely interwoven with the sea. The first thing I ate was Wakame: The texture and salty taste are really special. It’s not unusual for my exploration of a new ingredient to begin with tasting it, coming into contact with the people and carefully immersing myself in their culture.

The clarity of the colors in Japan, the black, the white. The women’s straw hats, the simple linen dresses they wear to work, their love of the sea. For me, everything belongs to Wakame. I find it very Japanese that it is not a contradiction to maintain traditions and at the same time use the latest technologies to refine something further and further.

Wakame is available today in outstanding quality and is one of the three precious main ingredients in our eponé Balancing Bath & Shower Gel. The second is Jojoba oil from Arizona. The ecosystems of the two could not be more different! Jojoba bushes thrive in semi-desert areas. Magnificent plants – typical of the landscape, often to be seen at the side of the road. They may not be classic beauties, but their disheveled look gives them something unbending. They defy the wind and the dry heat. And use the powerful soil of the red desert. For a very, very long time!

When we talk about regional products today, we primarily mean that something comes from our nearest surroundings. On my travels, I have been able to gain another fascinating perspective: That every plant, every raw material, has its natural origin and home. Its soil, its water, its light – all the elements it needs and which only exist there in a unique interplay.

The fact that we can now use the finest Jojoba oil in our eponé Balancing Bath & Shower Gel has a long history. The Aztecs already extracted a fine plant wax from the seeds of the Jojoba fruit, which they used for beauty care. What for us today are historical facts that are told in passing, we owe to the primal human desire to discover and research: Someone had to think of it first. Isn’t that wonderful?

The indigenous population of Arizona also smoked the precious Jojoba balm and used it for ceremonial acts, accompanied by drumming and repetitive singing. For example, for spiritual rituals of purification or to establish a connection to the ancestors. This transcendent component attributed to Jojoba reminds me of a very practical property: Jojoba oil is so fine that it simply slips into the skin without leaving a film. It does not clog pores, retains moisture in the skin, nourishes, protects and gently cares for it, is rich in vitamins and has anti-inflammatory properties. Its structure is similar to our skin lipids, which makes it well tolerated by all skin and hair types. Jojoba oil also supports the absorption of other active ingredients.

For the third main ingredient in the eponé Balancing Bath & Shower Gel, we travel to another continent: Fruit Liquid Baobab from Tanzania. A nectar of precious lipids extracted from the fruit of the baobab tree. In this formulation, it primarily has a protective function. The baobab is regarded as the “first aid kit” of the savannah, as a provider of shade it is a meeting place and a symbol of life in general.

Today, raw materials are used primarily for their effectiveness. As a spa brand, our claim goes beyond this. We see the sensory experience as a quality in itself – that you enjoy spending time with the product. For example with the Balancing Bath and Shower Gel. I still celebrate the moment in the same way I did the first time: I apply a small amount to the palm of my hand and lather up with a little water. This produces a wonderfully creamy lather. A complex fragrance accord unfolds: refreshing, mineral and enveloping. Apply the foam to the body and enjoy – it is an experience for the skin. A luxurious feeling. And when the effect is long-lasting … a luxurious feeling.

In our Balancing Bath & Shower Gel, the three main ingredients combine to create a new whole. Minerals as a refinement crown the formulation. Practiced naturopathy or “back to the roots” expertise meets the latest, gentle technologies. This results in a formulation that actually sounds paradoxical: although the gel is rinsed off, it is incredibly nourishing. Its precious nutrients cleanse, nourish and protect at the same time.

We have used more than 50 selected main ingredients and refinements from more than 30 countries in our formulations to date. Each of them embodies a journey through space and time. Awakening associations. They tell of encounters with people who all contribute with their skills. I find that something very valuable today.

And our JOURNEY goes on!

A little bit of extra indulgence

eponé Deep Nourish Oil Elixir provides luxurious nourishment.

Floating between heaven and earth: Atop the crowns of Brazil nut trees, which tower up to 55 meters high above the canopy of the Brazilian rainforest, spherical fruit capsules dangle, reminiscent of coconuts. After ripening for up to one and a half years, they fall to the ground, unveiling their treasure: Each capsule encases ten to twenty Brazil nuts. These nuts are the tree’s seeds and a true treasure, as Brazil nuts in the market come primarily from wild-growing trees to this day. Harvesting Brazil nuts means collecting them from the forest floor during extensive treks—such as along the shores of the Amazon, Negro, and Tapajós rivers. In their native Brazil, these nuts have been valued for centuries for their immune-boosting properties. In traditional beauty regimens, they are processed to form a rich balm, while their ultra-hard shell is finely ground to be used as an exfoliant.

The Brazil nut oil is a key ingredient in our eponé Deep Nourish Oil Elixir. This highly nourishing yet lightweight oil is celebrated for its remarkable protective abilities and immunizing effects. It’s quickly absorbed by the skin, providing instant hydration and supporting collagen production. And as if that’s not enough, Brazil nuts are also known as the most selenium-rich food in the world—a mineral that, as we’ve come to realize, enhances the skin’s natural defense mechanisms and imparts a radiant look.

Hard exterior, precious heart – a premium
“Nut Oil Collection”

The Deep Nourish Oil Elixir is the richest of the four eponé Oil Elixirs. It’s a meticulously curated “nut oil collection,” thoughtfully chosen and beautifully synthesized. Blended into a new whole for a lavish skincare experience: Brazil nut oil, directly from its homeland, is combined with Paradise Nut Oil from Colombia, and Coconut Oil from the Philippines. The opulent formula is enhanced with Pistachio Seed Oil, adding the perfect finishing touch—our so-called refinement.

Just like Brazil Nut Oil, Paradise Nut Oil is renowned for its deeply nourishing and moisturizing properties. It improves the skin’s ability to retain moisture, reduces water loss, and acts as a regenerative agent for the lipid barrier. Similarly to Brazil nuts, Paradise nuts also mature in clusters inside fruit capsules. They are high in natural Vitamin E and exceptionally rich in unsaturated fatty acids.

From the lush green coasts and forests of South America, our ingredient journey continues to Southeast Asia: The coconut oil in our Deep Nourish Oil Elixir comes from the Philippines, the world of a thousand islands. Coconut is regarded as the queen of nuts. Its protective shell encases a precious, milky and delicious core. Who cares that—botanically speaking—it’s considered a humble stone fruit, much like a plum or a nectarine? We’d rather let our mind drift to distant beaches and palm trees, savoring its exotic aroma and flavor. In its homeland, the coconut is revered as a healing remedy because of its proven antimicrobial properties. Coconut Oil is extremely moisturizing and melts quickly into the skin like butter, providing care and softness. Ideal for revitalizing irritated and dry skin, as well as damaged hair.

Our refinement, Pistachio Seed Oil, originates from Turkey. Due to their complex harvesting and production process, pistachios are considered a luxurious food and beauty product. A delicacy in desserts and a symbol of life’s sweetness. Pistachio Seed Oil contains valuable active ingredients: Its high content in phytosterols stimulates skin regeneration and strengthens its protective barrier. At the same time, it scores comparatively high in linoleic acid content, and therefore positively affects collagen synthesis while ensuring skin elasticity. Last but certainly not least, this precious oil’s anti-inflammatory properties are soothing for both mind and body.

Luxurious lightness

Dark, shimmering red, glowing from within. Our Deep Nourish Oil Elixir radiates an inviting warmth. Trust us, you’ll want to wrap both hands around its precious bottle. And you’ll surely want to feel its velvety soft touch on the skin. Valuable “ingredient power” with a luxurious consistency: Just what we need right now. It’s still quite cold outside, but the sun slowly hints at the first days of spring. We want to offer our skin exactly what it craves in this phase: maximum nourishment, yet without any heaviness. Our goal is to deeply nourish, regenerate, hydrate, and retain moisture. The natural richness of our eponé Deep Nourish Oil Elixir pampers every skin type in a multi-layered and versatile way.

For example, you can include it as it is in your daily care routine. After bathing or showering, the skin is particularly receptive to beneficial ingredients. All you have to do is apply a small amount of Deep Nourish Oil Elixir to slightly damp skin, and let it absorb quickly so that it activates its nourishing properties in the best possible way. Alternatively, you can apply it where needed as a targeted treatment: Deep Nourish Oil Elixir is a great healing balm for dry skin, such as the areas around elbows and knees. Try applying a small amount to the sensitive skin on the neck, and notice how it immediately feels soft and smooth. Plus, a few drops can pamper fingernails and cuticles.

Every now and then we need that little bit of extra INDULGENCE to fully recharge.

That’s why we’ve combined nature’s most regenerative SUPER POWERS in this Oil Elixir.

For Hair and Beard

Use the oil as a hair treatment for dry, damaged hair. It’s particularly useful in this period as we’re still wearing hats and beanies, causing daily friction on the hair. Massage a few drops of Deep Nourish Oil Elixir directly into the ends of your hair or use it as an addition to our eponé Conditioning Hair Treatment. For men’s beard care: Deep Nourish Oil Elixir ensures softness and rich nourishment without leaving any greasy residue.

Our Hydration Booster

For daily care or a soothing body wrap, mix Deep Nourish Oil Elixir with Mix & Moisturize Base Gel. Generously enriched with Aloe Vera leaf juice and cucumber extract, the combination is a pure moisturizer that has a wonderfully refreshing, cooling, and soothing effect, all into one. We recommend a 1:1 ratio. Play around to find your personal favorite mix.

The eponé Foot Mask

Mix equal amounts of Deep Nourish Oil Elixir, Mix & Moisturize Base Gel and Tender Body Cream in a bowl and apply to cleansed feet. Particularly effective before bedtime, as the treatment can work its wonders overnight. Make sure to wear socks to lock in all the moisture!

Baby Bump Massage

Warm up the Deep Nourish Oil Elixir in your hands and gently massage your baby bump in a clockwise direction. Your fingertips should always point outwards. This will help increase skin elasticity of the skin, both as a preventative measure and afterwards.

SCENT enhances our sensory PLEASURE

Earthy Venezuelan tonka bean and sandalwood, vanilla from Madagascar, and a touch of salty sea notes. Our Deep Nourish Oil Elixir unfolds a sensual aroma of pure presence, enveloping like a warm blanket. No other sense has as much emotional and evocative power as the sense of smell. When we perceive a particular scent, our neurons fire up with a specific intensity, duration, and frequency. This neural interplay in our brain, creates a unique and recognizable profile for each scent. After all, a person can differentiate approximately 10,000 smells. We can experience scent consciously, sensually, and physically: It can alter our mental state, and help us ground, calm down, focus, and relax. Scent can anchor us in the moment, and bring us closer to ourselves. It can spark our imagination and open worlds of sensation. eponé Deep Nourish Oil Elixir invites us on a fascinating journey.

And our JOURNEY goes on!

Living in the here & now

Let’s welcome the new year with all our senses.

The clouds above us won’t care much about a new year rolling in. They are the epitome of constant change. They can pile up, take on ever-changing shapes or simply dissolve before our eyes. Never standing still, they represent eternal renewal. They travel above our heads with effortless ease and carry our thoughts into the distance. Inspiring and liberating—a reminder to look up at the sky more often.

Instead, we usually look ahead. What is in store for us? What do we want to achieve? We actually spend quite a lot of time living in the future tense, focusing on distant thoughts, questions, goals and hopes. The turn of the year is a good opportunity to adopt a new perspective. Here are our seven recommendations for living consciously in the moment.


Just follow your nose

Do you prefer creamy, soft and exotic? Or refreshingly citrusy? Scent triggers more than just our sense of smell—it’s something we can actually feel in our whole body. Scent can envelop us like a warm blanket or refresh and stimulate us. It creates an emotional sensation even before we start thinking about what we’re smelling. This is due to a particular processing system in the brain that’s part of our evolutionary mechanisms. Our eponé Oil Elixir Collection takes us on a special olfactory journey that allows us to experience four different scents to determine our favorite for the here & now. Are we longing for more grounding or do we need fresh energy? Our nose will spontaneously decide what our current state of being needs. The best way to celebrate such a journey is in the company of friends: Sit around a table together and place the four eponé oil elixirs on a tray in the middle. Let the party begin! Take the first bottle in your hand, tilt it briefly and open the lid. Sniff the lid or the neck of the bottle. Close the bottle again and put it back on the tray. Proceed in this way with all four Oil Elixirs in turn and choose your personal favorite. Apply a few drops of the Oil Elixir like a perfume: behind the ear, on the neck and décolleté, on the inner side of the wrist. Allow the scent to warm up with your body’s temperature and develop its aromas. Simply enjoy. Have you noticed that it’s not that easy to describe a scent to someone? Try it intuitively: Why do I like the scent? What does it remind me of? And magically, the scent will come to life!


Ensure relaxation

Are you considering gifting snuggly socks this year? Together with our eponé Tender Body Cream or one of the four eponé Oil Elixirs, a pair of beautifully warm socks becomes an invitation to a wonderful relaxation ritual. As a loving gift for others or for yourself. To enjoy a soothing foot mask, apply cream or oil to clean feet, massage it in and let it work its magic. Put your socks on and keep your feet still for the next twenty minutes. Allow yourself to relax and do nothing. Rest and enjoy the time passing in peace. Preferably in the evening.


Fill your heart with warmth

“You have to sit around the fire with them,” says an African proverb. What it means is that differences can dissolve into pleasure when sharing a moment of warmth. A fire thaws us out. Whether it’s a fire pit in the garden or a crackling fireplace, the flickering flames and natural warmth exude a universal appeal. There is something archaic and primal about it. Since time immemorial, we have enjoyed gathering around a fire to experience warmth and a deep sense of security. It’s calming and contemplative. Maybe someone will share a thought or a story with the rest of the group. Or maybe everyone just sits together in silence. You don’t have to say much to feel connected to each other. Now that it’s cold and often gray outside, lighting a fire is a beautiful ritual to fill our hearts with warmth. If you don’t have a fireplace, light a candle: Even this small flame ignites the glow within us.


Nourishment for body and soul

We always say that our exquisite ingredients are true superfoods of care. And we mean it quite literally. In fact, many of them are delicious soul foods. For example, the Brazil nut, whose oil is the main ingredient in our Deep Nourish Oil Elixir, is considered to be the most selenium-rich food in the world. It grows abundantly on the banks of the Amazon, the Negro and the Tapejós rivers, and has been valued for centuries for its ability to strengthen the immune system.

In our Gentle Hand Wash, pomegranate from Israel supports the regeneration of the skin and protects against free radicals. Cutting the fruit open with its characteristic blood-red seeds is a sensual experience in itself. Pomegranate lowers blood pressure, strengthens the immune system and is said to be good for brain function.

Rough skin on the outside, creamy and tender on the inside: the avocado is rich in flavor and health benefits. Full of folic acid, calcium and potassium, as well as a whole alphabet of vitamins like B6, D, E and K. And of course it’s rich in unsaturated fatty acids. In our series, you’ll find it in the eponé Soothing Hair & Scalp Shampoo which contains avocado oil from California.

Mango seed oil from India is one of the main ingredients in our Tender Body Cream. Whoever has tried a mango fruit, can speak of its delightful nature—visually, haptically and in terms of taste. It contains valuable vitamins and minerals. Its high beta-carotene content is said to promote communication between nerve cells. In the body, beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A which is good for the eyes.

Argan oil, which is extracted from the nut of the Argan tree, is packed with powerful antioxidants, essential fatty acids and vitamin E. It’s also a tasty nutrient booster: just a few drops of the oil can enhance salads or oriental dishes with its nutty, mild to smoky flavor. Argan oil from Morocco enriches our Hydration Ceremony Oil Elixir.

Cacao extract is included as a refinement in the Tension Release Oil Elixir. Cocoa beans contain the feel-good substance anandamide, a lipophilic substance that is also produced by our brain. It triggers euphoria and relaxes our muscles. Time for a hot chocolate! We have developed eponé for conscious enjoyment and indulgence. Next time you’re out for groceries, add your favorite ingredients from our skincare range to your shopping list, and enjoy the added benefits.


Cultivate good habits

Our neck needs a lot of attention, especially in winter. We all tend to keep this part warm by wrapping and protecting it with thick scarves and high collars. But when it comes to skincare, the sensitive skin of this area is often neglected. They say that your neck shows your age. It can quickly become dehydrated and start forming fine wrinkles. This is because our skin there has fewer sebaceous glands than elsewhere in the body. Clothing and wool fibers also absorb moisture, so they’re not really helping out. They can cause friction which irritates the skin—if something feels itchy, it’s already happened. Daily skincare helps to combat a dry neck. Gently cleanse the skin and then apply eponé Intense Hydration Nectar or eponé Tender Body Cream. The natural active ingredient complexes soothe irritated skin and improve elasticity and tone. Lift your chin to elongate your neck and apply the cream with gentle upward strokes, going against gravity. Don’t forget to repeat daily!


Give attention and affection

A hand massage for your partner or best friend is a wonderful gesture of attention and affection. It’s perfect after a challenging day or just to say a heartwarming hello. You sit opposite each other in a relaxed atmosphere. For the massage, apply eponé Tender Body Cream or an eponé Oil Elixir to cleansed hands. Gentle pressure on the inside of the hand has a particularly soothing effect. Don’t be afraid of repetition—it’s the repetitive movements that lead to relaxation. Fifteen minutes is a good amount of time to massage in the cream or oil. Prepare a warm compress to remove the rest. Enjoy nurturing your connection to each other!


It’s the little things

Cleansing, refreshing, renewing. We recommend a personal water treatment. By this we don’t mean that you should only drink water for days on end – we’re not referring to your daily water intake. What we care about is the sensory experience that water can offer us in all its diversity. “Sensatio per Aquam.” We want to reflect on coming to conscious contact with water in everyday life, using all our senses. How it tastes, sounds and feels. What does it look like in its various states of being? In winter, water conjures up wonderful impressions. In the morning, we might discover ice “flowers” glistening in the sun and watch them slowly disappear shortly after. We can trudge knee-deep through powder snow. Immerse ourselves in a hot bath and let the warmth envelop us. And for a moment, be completely with ourselves.

For better self-awareness

What we take in from the world outside every day, beautiful or not, has an effect on the inside. We can also look at it the other way around: what our inner world looks like determines how we face everything out there…

And our JOURNEY goes on …

A Beautiful Touch

Let your hands enjoy deep cleanliness and luxurious care with eponé Hand Care.

One hand cares for the other. Here’s how to do it: Apply a small amount of eponé Sublime Hand & Nail Cream to the back of your hand and spread it evenly in gentle circular motions using your other back hand. Don’t forget to include the backs of your fingers in this harmonious pas de deux! Then, turn your attention to the fingernails and cuticles—massage the cream thoroughly, moving in small circles again. By now, almost all of the cream should have been absorbed and it’s time for your palms to get some care too. Softly rub both hands, wrapping one around the other, and work in the remaining product. Enjoy your freshly nourished skin and the warm, powdery scent enveloping your precious hands.

Why do we start by applying cream to the back of the hand and not the palm? Because we want to bring all the nourishing benefits and majority of the product’s quantity to where it’s truly needed. Our palms can only absorb very little hydrating care as they’re designed to release moisture instead. By applying cream sparingly on the insides, we also ensure that our hands are ready-to-use immediately after application, without any greasy residue. So, next time someone offers you hand cream after washing your hands, hold out the back of your hand and reveal yourself to be a hand-care connoisseur.

In the coming months, our hands will be exposed to constant shifts between warm and cold: from indoors to outdoors, from heating air to fresh, winter air. While the rest of our body is usually covered in layers, our hands often remain bare and unprotected. Your hands may be uncovered but we got you covered: eponé Hand Care offers effective protection and lasting beauty with its comprehensively cleansing, smoothing and deeply nourishing properties. Feeling luxurious right down to your fingertips.

Protect. Strengthen. Pamper.
eponé Sublime Hand & Nail Cream

The best of everything that’s been proven to benefit stressed and sensitive skin is included in the eponé Sublime Hand & Nail Cream formula. The unique holistic care spectrum is rich in protective vitamins and antioxidants that can relieve even the most irritated skin, providing deep hydration and soothing care. Its main ingredients are Cupuacu Butter from the Amazon, Macadamia Oil from Hawaii, and White Tea Extract from Darjeeling, while its refinement comes in the form of probiotic-rich Kombucha.

The soft Cupuacu Butter is extracted from the seeds of the eastern Amazonian Cupuacu tree and brings its skin-soothing effects into this exquisite formulation. The ingredient’s moisturizing and nourishing properties ensure improved skin elasticity. Together with our luscious Macadamia Oil, they create an unbeatable hydrating duet providing all the extra richness that our hands and nails need in winter. Macadamia Oil is particularly well-absorbed by the skin as its characteristic range of fatty acids strengthens the protective barrier of the epidermis and enhances its ability to regenerate. Joining these two powerhouses is our elegant White Tea Extract. Valued for its rejuvenating properties, this important ingredient binds free radicals, protects the skin from UV radiation and repairs skin tissue. Last but not least, Kombucha crowns this beautiful composition. Lauded for its multitude of protective, nourishing and revitalizing substances, this probiotic-rich ingredient can balance the pH value and stabilizes the skin microbiome. Kombucha also ensures improved absorption of all other active ingredients, thereby optimizing the interplay of nourishment, long-lasting protection and effective anti-aging.

Creamy, warm and luxurious! Thanks to its fine, silky texture, eponé Sublime Hand & Nail Cream protects hands and nails, and absorbs particularly quickly leaving our hands feeling wonderfully nourished and smooth. A cloud of powdery scent envelops the hands like a gentle caress: almond and mandarin, jasmine and tuberose blossoms, sensual vanilla—unobtrusive and irresistible.

Adding a BEAUTIFUL TOUCH to any day is an art of its own.

As children, we first take everything we discover around us in our hands. We understand the world by sensing and touching it. Unlike our eyes, ears and nose, our hands come into physical contact with what they perceive. Still as adults, we want to know what an interesting fabric feels like, our hands like to glide over the surface of a piece of furniture, or celebrate the application of a precious cream as a sensual experience. The desire to touch is inherent in us: even metaphorically speaking, we take our fate into our own hands.

One hand washes the other—multiple times a day. As soon as we get home, always before a meal, after working on the computer or in the garden. The feeling of clean hands is wonderful and grounding. At eponé, we like to describe hand-washing as a mini version of a shower: we can rinse everything off and feel refreshed and focused afterwards.

Deeply cleansing and soothing
eponé Gentle Hand Wash

The more sensitive our hands are, the more we have to withstand their daily wear and tear. For maximum care, our Gentle Hand Wash combines subtly cleansing jojoba pearls with select active ingredients to create a special exfoliating experience. The skin is cleansed deep into the pores and becomes particularly receptive to subsequent treatments. Valuable plant extracts rich in antioxidants protect against free radicals while delivering moisturizing, revitalizing and mineralizing benefits.

Green Caviar from Okinawa, Pomegranate from Israel and Green Tea from Assam join forces in eponé Gentle Hand Wash as the three main potent ingredients. The vegan Green Caviar, which is a particular seaweed extract, is rich in vitamins A and C as well as omega-3 fatty acids. It boosts collagen production, preserves the skin’s moisture and promotes increased elasticity. Pomegranate is the formulation’s protective and regenerating ally, having a positive effect even on extremely stressed skin. Green Tea has an invigorating, cleansing and slightly anti-inflammatory effect. Its high zinc content is particularly effective in preventing skin irritation, which makes it an outstanding anti-ageing ingredient. Damascene Rose, the composition’s refinement, caresses the hands and harmonizes the senses. Its healing properties refresh, strengthen and rebalance irritated skin.

Clean, nourished and precious: eponé Gentle Hand Wash leaves skin feeling smooth and silky. Accompanied by herbal notes, warm citrus and precious woods. Natural freshness and elegant depth: a special scent that grounds and clarifies the senses.

Apply eponé Gentle Hand Wash to damp hands, lather gently and wash thoroughly. Rinse with warm water. After each wash, your hands are lightly pampered and ready to go, or perfectly prepped for further care with eponé Sublime Hand & Nail Cream.

It‘s in our own HANDS to make each day feel special.

Well-groomed hands are our personal calling card, a wonderful means of expression. When we shake hands to greet each other, the handshake conveys a message that we interpret consciously or subconsciously. Is it gentle and empathetic, reserved or demanding, perhaps unpleasantly clammy or too firm? What if the other person doesn’t let go? And awkwardly continues to shake our hand for the entire duration of the greeting? We keep calm — there are numerous cultural variations of this universal gesture which highlights our human connection.

And our JOURNEY goes on …

Immerse yourself in the moment

eponé Home Spa creates holistic wellbeing – every day.

Our recommendation for a perfectly relaxing bath? Gently slide into the bath water. Slowly immerse yourself up to both ears. Only the nose peeks out. Stretch your arms out along your body, palms facing up. Let go completely and enjoy your floating state with your eyes closed. The water has already started embracing you in soothing serenity. Its density allows only for muffled sounds to reach you from the outside. Thus, you can turn inwards to truly listen to yourself. Briefly hold your breath. Silently count to five. Then inhale ten times and slowly exhale again. Feel the pleasant warmth enveloping your entire body. Notice how it stimulates blood circulation as your muscles begin to relax. The water can be clear, milky or foamy, depending on what you prefer to infuse it with. A few drops of an eponé Oil Elixir are enough to swaddle you in a wonderful scent. This boosts your mood and can activate the release of the body’s own feel-good substances. A soothing experience for the body and senses.

“Treat yourself to a break from everyday life”

– that’s how home spa rituals are often described. However, we think that this kind of attitude towards self-care makes it sound like our goal should be to escape our own lives whenever we have the time and luxury. Why not consider our self-care rituals as an inherent part of our life, not just a beautiful and beneficial extra? They should be a central part of the way we choose to embody our everyday experience. Seeking balance and relaxation is undeniably in our nature. Our Home Spa opens up a personal space for holistic wellbeing: We can consciously take time for ourselves. Experience self-care individually. Immerse ourselves in the moment. Unleash new strength. Activate our energy flow. Spa tools like a natural sponge or massage brush support us in this journey. Personal beauty rituals and home treatments such as baths, peelings, masks and body wraps are a natural part of life. eponé products revitalize and soothe, relax and firm, clarify and nourish both instantly and long term. And yet they are much more than a means to an end: we have developed them for conscious enjoyment and well-deserved pampering.

Create an atmosphere of relaxation
eponé Shine on Candle

Light is of utmost importance when creating a relaxing ambience. It sets the right mood. Our advice is to veer away from bright and sterile lighting, and opt for dimmed, amber and cozy. That way you can easily transform your bathroom from a place of daily hygiene into a space dedicated to extended me-time, intensive self-care and luxurious wellbeing. Our spa light is a sensual companion! The eponé Shine On Candle combines exquisite essential oils that reveal themselves in the form of an olfactory journey stimulating all the senses: fruity notes of mandarin and peach, a noble bouquet of jasmine, gardenia and iris. Soft vanilla, sandalwood and vetiver. A fusion of distant cultures, fresh harvests, fragrant markets and unspoiled nature. Invitingly warm and inspiringly exotic. This elegant scent of exquisite origins evokes daydreaming and relaxed luxury, showing soul and senses the way to the destination of all journeys: the glow within us. Shine on!

Enjoy your own curated home spa
eponé Mix & Moisturize Base Gel

Making new connections. Creating something unprecedented together. That’s where our Mix & Moisturize Base Gel finds its purpose. Generously enriched with aloe vera leaf juice and cucumber extract, it is a pure moisturizer that is wonderfully refreshing, cooling and soothing for any skin. Thanks to its light texture, the transparent gel is quickly absorbed leaving no residue behind. It is fragrance-free and has a neutral scent. eponé Mix & Moisturize Base Gel enables bespoke skin care and lets us experience the meaning of home spa in a new way. Its main ingredients are Aloe Vera Leaf Juice from Mexico and Cucumber Extract from Normandy, while its extra touch of magic comes in the form of plant-based Hyaluron.

BEAUTIFUL becomes WONDERFUL when we add a touch of magic.

Personalized daily skin care

eponé Mix & Moisturize Base Gel was developed as a lightweight base to be mixed with our precious Oil Elixirs or with our Intense Hydration Nectar. Combine the gel in a small bowl with one of our Oil Elixirs or with our Intense Hydration Nectar. We recommend a ratio of about 1:1. Try out different combinations and find your personal favorite mixture!

Exquisite bath essence

Water works wonders! And it’s even more beautiful when we add a little touch of magic for a perfect self-care experience. To create a wonderful bath essence, mix equal parts of eponé Mix & Moisturize Base Gel, eponé Tender Body Cream and eponé Hydration Ceremony Oil Elixir or eponé Deep Nourish Oil Elixir, and simply add to your bath water.

A versatile face mask

Of course, you can just enjoy a simple bath. But why not elevate it a little? A temperature of 36 to 38 degrees Celsius is ideal. As the water’s warm temperature opens up the pores, active ingredients are particularly well absorbed by our skin. That’s when a face mask is very beneficial! Mix eponé Mix & Moisturize Base Gel and eponé Intense Hydration Nectar in a bowl in a ratio of 1:1 until achieving a silky texture. Using a delicate brush, apply the hydrating mask to the face and enjoy the refreshing feeling. Leave on for around ten minutes, by which time most of the mixture will have been absorbed. Gently remove the rest.

A journey to yourself

If not now, then when? When the temperatures outside increasingly drop. When the days become shorter, the natural light becomes more scarce, and the colors of nature more muted. That’s when we turn inwards. Our life goes back inside. The change of seasons leaves us longing for new moods and rituals. For new perceptions. It’s the perfect time to take a journey to ourselves: Our home spa allows us to focus entirely on the moment. To enjoy what is around us with all our senses. During this time, nothing else can touch us.

NOTHING can dim the light which shines from within.

And our JOURNEY goes on!

Back To The Roots

eponé celebrates hair care
as a form of self-appreciation.

Our relationship with our hair is a bit of a paradox. We can’t even see it unless we look in the mirror or catch a glimpse of ourselves in our phone camera. And yet our hair plays an absolute major role in our self-perception and how we carry ourselves in this world. Who hasn’t stopped to quickly check their reflection and touch up a few rebellious hairs here and there while passing a shop window? Hair is our own personal crown and therefore plays a crucial role in how others see us.

Disheveled or combed? Air-dried or blow-dried? Our hair is a shape-shifting feature that welcomes intervention and invites us to form it as we please. But sometimes it does its own thing. Sometimes it might not let us tame it or control the frizz when it gets humid and foggy outside in the fall. But even these “inconvenient” instances that are out of our hairstyling control, we choose to see them as charming pecularities that invite us to further engage with and accept our own appearance. Think about the way someone thoughtfully curls a lock around their finger, tightens their ponytail, or shakes off the same strand of hair that keeps on falling in front of their face over and over again. These small hair rituals and gestures are unmistakably part of our personality.

Healthy and well-groomed hair is a wonderful gift. For some it comes naturally, while others need to put in a little bit more effort. Whichever the case, your hair’s shine, volume and elasticity must not be left to chance. In fact, daily hair care is considered part of our overall health and hygiene. In our world today, sun exposure, styling processes and mental stress have a major impact on hair health. eponé Hair Care not only pays special attention to the visible part of the hair, but also to the sensitive, often overlooked, scalp. We celebrate sustainable hair care as a soothing spa treatment—an expression of our appreciation for ourselves.

Soothing, invigorating and strengthening
eponé Soothing Hair & Scalp Shampoo

When we want to reflect on our true needs and activate our inner strengths, we tend to always go back to the roots. Both literally and metaphorically. For us, this is also where hair care begins, right at the base. Healthy roots nourish the rest of the hair from the ground up, supplying it with nutrients and making sure each strand is strengthened all the way to the tips. Our Soothing Hair & Scalp Shampoo revitalizes the hair roots and provides more volume, lasting resilience and natural shine, all with the help of a complex of natural minerals, vitamins and proteins. By strengthening and further fortifying the hair fibers, it reduces breakage and frizz. eponé Soothing Hair & Scalp Shampoo moisturizes, noticeably soothes the scalp and effectively regulates sebum production. The formula’s main active ingredients are Ginseng Extract from Jilan Province, Avocado Oil from California and Guarana from the Amazon, while its refinement is Manuka Extract.

Boost circulation and relieve tension. This is the best self-care treatment for your head: lather eponé Soothing Hair & Scalp Shampoo in your hands and apply to wet hair. Gently massage into the scalp using your fingertips. If needed, add more water to create more foam. Always work your way from the roots to the ends. Let yourself be enveloped in tart, herbal freshness and warm citrus notes that clear the mind while gently infusing your hair. After cleansing, rinse eponé Soothing Hair & Scalp Shampoo thoroughly. Pour lukewarm water over your head, close your eyes and enjoy deeply. Having regained its strength and natural moisture, your hair is now ready for further care with our eponé Conditioning Hair Treatment.

Nourishing, protective and defining
eponé Conditioning Hair Treatment

Like cracked soil in the desert, our hair becomes brittle and broken if it’s not regularly supplied with sufficient nutrients and moisture. Our Conditioning Hair Treatment is particularly rich in moisturizing, nourishing and balancing ingredients that strengthen the hair fibers from within, making sure their structure is smooth and capable of locking in moisture without weighing the hair down. Even particularly stressed and damaged hair regains its natural shine and elasticity, boasting a well-defined and polished result that’s easy to comb. Colored hair retains its color as eponé Conditioning Hair Treatment seals the hair fibers, thus securing the pigment. And it’s not just your hair that reaps the benefits. It’s your scalp too—even the most irritated skin types are nourished and soothed. The formula’s main ingredients are Lotus Flower from Laos, Illipe Butter from Borneo and Rosehip Seed Oil from Chile, while its refinement is Magnolia Essence.

After shampooing and rinsing, apply a small amount of Conditioning Hair Treatment to the lower third of your hair while it’s still damp. Leave on for a few minutes. To enhance the effect of repair and hydration, you can also apply it as a hair mask. Thanks to its special formula and soothing, refreshing scent, eponé Conditioning Hair Treatment is also wonderful as an overnight hair treatment. To finish, always rinse with cool water to seal the hair fibers.

Healthy hair is a symbol of happiness

Cutting off their long braids would never even cross their minds: With a length of up to two meters, Yao women’s hair is considered the longest and healthiest in the world. They cut it only once in their lifetime, at the age of eighteen. After that, their hair keeps on growing while remaining shiny, healthy and jet black well into old age. In our search for the most precious ingredients, we visited the Yao women in their small village of Huanglo, secluded in the mountains of southern China. Following their beauty tradition that’s been passed down for generations, they use homemade shampoos made with fermented rice water. This wonderful ingredient has proven to be a valuable ally for hair health by providing and retaining moisture, preventing dryness and promoting a healthy appearance. Fermented rice water is found in both eponé Soothing Hair & Scalp Shampoo and eponé Conditioning Hair Treatment. For Yao women, their long and healthy hair is a proud sign of health, happiness and longevity. For us, it reveals a lot about connection, continuity and renewal.

And our JOURNEY goes on!

Sensatio per Aquam

Dive into summer with eponé Bath & Shower.

A bold leap into the blue: Dive in, swim underwater and resurface to take a big gulp of energizing air, surrounded by refreshing seawater bubbles. Feel the pleasant tingle on your skin as you’re getting accustomed to the water’s temperature. Pure refreshment, a revitalizing feeling, as if reborn from water. Water works wonders! Its natural resistance slows us down, while its delightful buoyancy allows us to simply float. Its healing power has been appreciated since the beginning of humankind.

eponé understands physical and mental well-being as one. In the spa, we use water in ways that offer holistic goodness. This precious element of life is our main source of inspiration. We embrace it with all of our senses: How it sounds when it trickles, rumbles or splashes. How it sometimes tastes pure and neutral while other times a little salty. How it looks as its color ranges from turquoise and emerald green to deep blue and even completely transparent. “Sensatio Per Aquam” emphasizes the sensual experience that water gives us thanks to its diverse nature.

Is there a better motto for summer?

© Ortwin Klipp

Water equals rejuvenation & refreshment

Soothing self-spa treatments can be enjoyed anywhere in nature. Take a walk along the beach and let the waves caress your ankles to the rhythm of the sea. Wade into a lake until the still water reaches your knees. Tiptoe into a cold, refreshing mountain stream. The revitalizing sensation of coming in contact with water doesn’t only stay on the surface of our skin, but also affects our entire body inside and out. When our body feels warm, the water’s cold stimulus gets our blood circulation going. Our body strives to achieve an even temperature throughout its various parts and therefore conducts more heat wherever the sensation of cooling is perceived. When we cool off our lower body with refreshing water, the process relaxes the head and clears the mind. If you repeat this simple treatment frequently, you can aid your body in stabilizing its overall circulation and promote good sleep. Four minutes of contact with cool water is ideal. Then gently dry off and find a cozy, shady spot to rest and let time flow.

Immerse yourself in the flow of eternal renewal: baths have always been more than just cleansing the body. But what about showers? They’re often misunderstood. Instead of just jumping in the shower with our minds drifting elsewhere, we can consciously experience the running water – its temperature and intensity as well as the way it feels upon contact with our skin. Water can stimulate and soothe. It can drip like warm summer rain, patter powerfully or pour like a gush. eponé Bath & Shower transforms showering into a wonderfully sensual ritual of self-care. Luxurious textures and complex fragrances enhance the shower experience.

Pure Harmony
eponé Balancing Bath & Shower Gel

The deliciously creamy foam invites you to celebrate daily cleansing with pleasure. Apply Balancing Bath & Shower Gel to damp skin and gently massage in circular motions. During the summer months, when it’s particularly hot outside, we long for lightness. This wonderfully balancing, replenishing and remineralizing formula offers the skin what the day ahead demands. A special marine ingredient provides necessary minerals and amino acids. The formula’s main ingredients are Wakame from Japan, Jojoba Oil from Arizona and Fruit Liquid Baobab from Tanzania. Its extra touch of magic comes in the form of various minerals. Balancing Bath & Shower Gel leaves the skin feeling pure, cleansed and silky. Thanks to its soothing properties, it is ideal for sensitive skin. Warm citrus scents and notes of precious woods deepen the harmonizing effect to support inner balance.

Pure Pleasure
eponé Precious Body Cream Peeling

Cleansing, renewal and care: Our Precious Body Cream Peeling gives the skin a fresh, smooth summer feeling. The distinctly luxurious peeling cream gently cleanses with particles of finely ground coconut shell. Its creamy consistency provides a rich supply of valuable active ingredients, effective anti-aging vitamins and plant-based omega-3 fatty acids. The formula’s main ingredients are Moringa Oil from the Himalayas, Cupuacu Butter from the Amazon and Apricot Seed Oil from Turkey. Rounded off with a touch of soothing amber powder. After rinsing, the skin is ready-to-go and perfectly prepped for sun protection and further care. Exotic warm notes of coconut and vanilla evoke memories of palm trees and deserted beaches.

Water connects

During our travels across the globe, we learned about a beautiful tradition we’d like to share with you. In countries where water is scarce and therefore precious, people tend to place a large clay pot filled with fresh water in front of their houses. The pot is usually protected with a wooden lid while a ladle rests on top. Anyone who passes by, travelers or those in need, can draw water and quench their thirst. A simple gesture of great impact. As the clay pots are always placed under shade, they invite people to take a mindful break from the heat. They get to chat for a while and exchange thoughts. Passersby usually leave a shell or a stone as a form of gratitude. Then they set off on their way with a good feeling and renewed energy. Water brings us together. When we share it with our fellow human beings, it connects us with each other.

© Ortwin Klipp

And our JOURNEY goes on!

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Privacy policy status: December 22


represented by the managing director: Peter Grein
Helene-Wessel-Bogen 11
80939 Munich, Germany
Commercial register number: HRB 104793
Sales tax identification number: DE 162463627

Tel: +49 89 3160573
Fax: +49 89 31605759

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