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Sensatio per Aquam
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Sensatio per Aquam

Dive into summer with eponé Bath & Shower.

A bold leap into the blue: Dive in, swim underwater and resurface to take a big gulp of energizing air, surrounded by refreshing seawater bubbles. Feel the pleasant tingle on your skin as you’re getting accustomed to the water’s temperature. Pure refreshment, a revitalizing feeling, as if reborn from water. Water works wonders! Its natural resistance slows us down, while its delightful buoyancy allows us to simply float. Its healing power has been appreciated since the beginning of humankind.

eponé understands physical and mental well-being as one. In the spa, we use water in ways that offer holistic goodness. This precious element of life is our main source of inspiration. We embrace it with all of our senses: How it sounds when it trickles, rumbles or splashes. How it sometimes tastes pure and neutral while other times a little salty. How it looks as its color ranges from turquoise and emerald green to deep blue and even completely transparent. “Sensatio Per Aquam” emphasizes the sensual experience that water gives us thanks to its diverse nature.

Is there a better motto for summer?

© Ortwin Klipp

Water equals rejuvenation & refreshment

Soothing self-spa treatments can be enjoyed anywhere in nature. Take a walk along the beach and let the waves caress your ankles to the rhythm of the sea. Wade into a lake until the still water reaches your knees. Tiptoe into a cold, refreshing mountain stream. The revitalizing sensation of coming in contact with water doesn’t only stay on the surface of our skin, but also affects our entire body inside and out. When our body feels warm, the water’s cold stimulus gets our blood circulation going. Our body strives to achieve an even temperature throughout its various parts and therefore conducts more heat wherever the sensation of cooling is perceived. When we cool off our lower body with refreshing water, the process relaxes the head and clears the mind. If you repeat this simple treatment frequently, you can aid your body in stabilizing its overall circulation and promote good sleep. Four minutes of contact with cool water is ideal. Then gently dry off and find a cozy, shady spot to rest and let time flow.

Immerse yourself in the flow of eternal renewal: baths have always been more than just cleansing the body. But what about showers? They’re often misunderstood. Instead of just jumping in the shower with our minds drifting elsewhere, we can consciously experience the running water – its temperature and intensity as well as the way it feels upon contact with our skin. Water can stimulate and soothe. It can drip like warm summer rain, patter powerfully or pour like a gush. eponé Bath & Shower transforms showering into a wonderfully sensual ritual of self-care. Luxurious textures and complex fragrances enhance the shower experience.

Pure Harmony
eponé Balancing Bath & Shower Gel

The deliciously creamy foam invites you to celebrate daily cleansing with pleasure. Apply Balancing Bath & Shower Gel to damp skin and gently massage in circular motions. During the summer months, when it’s particularly hot outside, we long for lightness. This wonderfully balancing, replenishing and remineralizing formula offers the skin what the day ahead demands. A special marine ingredient provides necessary minerals and amino acids. The formula’s main ingredients are Wakame from Japan, Jojoba Oil from Arizona and Fruit Liquid Baobab from Tanzania. Its extra touch of magic comes in the form of various minerals. Balancing Bath & Shower Gel leaves the skin feeling pure, cleansed and silky. Thanks to its soothing properties, it is ideal for sensitive skin. Warm citrus scents and notes of precious woods deepen the harmonizing effect to support inner balance.

Pure Pleasure
eponé Precious Body Cream Peeling

Cleansing, renewal and care: Our Precious Body Cream Peeling gives the skin a fresh, smooth summer feeling. The distinctly luxurious peeling cream gently cleanses with particles of finely ground coconut shell. Its creamy consistency provides a rich supply of valuable active ingredients, effective anti-aging vitamins and plant-based omega-3 fatty acids. The formula’s main ingredients are Moringa Oil from the Himalayas, Cupuacu Butter from the Amazon and Apricot Seed Oil from Turkey. Rounded off with a touch of soothing amber powder. After rinsing, the skin is ready-to-go and perfectly prepped for sun protection and further care. Exotic warm notes of coconut and vanilla evoke memories of palm trees and deserted beaches.

Water connects

During our travels across the globe, we learned about a beautiful tradition we’d like to share with you. In countries where water is scarce and therefore precious, people tend to place a large clay pot filled with fresh water in front of their houses. The pot is usually protected with a wooden lid while a ladle rests on top. Anyone who passes by, travelers or those in need, can draw water and quench their thirst. A simple gesture of great impact. As the clay pots are always placed under shade, they invite people to take a mindful break from the heat. They get to chat for a while and exchange thoughts. Passersby usually leave a shell or a stone as a form of gratitude. Then they set off on their way with a good feeling and renewed energy. Water brings us together. When we share it with our fellow human beings, it connects us with each other.

© Ortwin Klipp

And our JOURNEY goes on!

Tipp: Eine wunderbare Heiterkeit hat meine ganze Seele eingenommen, gleich den süßen Frühlingsmorgen, die ich mit ganzem Herzen genieße. Ich bin allein und freue mich meines Lebens in dieser Gegend, die für solche Seelen geschaffen ist wie die meine. Ich bin so glücklich

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Privacy policy status: December 22


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Helene-Wessel-Bogen 11
80939 Munich, Germany
Commercial register number: HRB 104793
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